The holidays are here—along with all the parties—so we need the perfect holiday hair to look our best as we spread the cheer. It all begins with the perfect blowout.
Why waste that fabulous outfit if your hair is going to be a frizzy hot mess? You spend money on that hot pair of Louboutins; starve for three days; grease your self into that tight dress; slip on those shiny pants; and have your makeup done…but forget about your hair?
Why let hair end up being just boring—or worse—just hair? No shine, no bounce, no flare. It’s just hair! Well, that fuzz growing out of your scalp is your crown and glory.
If you’re not ready to shell out $50 to $75 for a professional blowout—to have other women hate you and their men want you—forget about buying those boots and spend some loot on a good blow dryer. A good blow dryer is a must, I say absolutely must!
A good blow dryer has a nozzle on it. If not, say goodbye to fab hair and hello to burnt strands. Without that little attachment you will undoubtedly touch your hair with the front of your dryer and singe it. Who needs that?
Now you’re all ready to start your fabulous blowout—but that’s just it, where do you start?
• First, apply a light gel or any heat safe product to your hair.
• Now start your sectioning. Some start at the back and work their way up to the front. I like to start at the front and work my way down, since the front will always dry first, if left wet. You don’t want to blow out dry hair and add damage to it.
• Section off the front piece and start blowing from your roots to your ends, pulling your hair up for volume. Concentrate on the roots, because if they’re not completely dry you’ll end up with hay, not beautiful hair.
• When the front is dry, move on to your next section. Dry the roots first, then mid-shaft, then the ends.
Using a good round brush, continue all the way around your head.
• When your hair is completely dry, take that big curling iron you bought along with your new dryer, and add some bounce to that hair. Grab random pieces of hair and curl in opposite directions.
• Put some styling product to help with the fly-aways.
If you want that sleek sexy Sandra Bullock hair—instead of buying the curling iron, buy a flat iron. But remember that flat iron, if not used properly, will damage your hair. For this look, after your hair is completely dry, go over it with your flat iron, never holding it in one place or on your ends. Just grab small sections and slide that iron from your roots down to your ends smoothly and quickly. Finish with a light hair putty or silk cream.
After all of this, if you’re stressing over what blow dryer to buy or which iron you need—call me or your favorite stylist and live life like the star you are, and get that holiday blowout. You’re worth it!