To all of our amazing clients, we hope this finds you well and ready to begin phase 2! It’s been a long road since we’ve shut the doors to Julius Michael Scarsdale Hair Salon for our shelter-in-place. We’re so happy to be able to reopen our doors to welcome you all back safely when we hit phase 2.
We’ve begun pre-booking appointments beginning June 9th for our Grand Reopening and have added additional days and longer hours to accommodate everyone while following the safety guidelines set by the State of New York.
Please read this through, as it includes important information for you to know when you come back to the salon. Everyone’s safety and comfort is our primary goal as we welcome you back.
First, we have had the salon professionally sanitized. For your safety and ours, each stylist and support staff has or will be tested for COVID-19 before reopening, and will do so every two weeks while we remain in phase 2.
We will wear masks and face shields and will be changing masks and gloves between clients and sanitizing each station when we’ve finished each client’s service and before we welcome our next client. Our reception area, bathroom and any area that has any human contact will be routinely sanitized.
We have removed stations to maintain a social distance of six feet between each client, to follow State guidelines for safety.
We have removed our waiting area as well as eliminating all magazines and refreshments.
We have added safety markers to help maintain distance.
We have created a new safety station which will have hand sanitizer, disposable masks, gloves and baggies for your use.
We also have special self-adhesive masks for any client who wants one to wear while you’re getting color service and haircuts that have no strings or ties that might interfere with your service.
We are required by law to take everyone’s temperature – staff and clients – before entering the salon and to keep a daily Journal. Please note that every client MUST wear a mask or we will provide you with one before you can enter Julius Michael Scarsdale.
Upon entering JMS you must wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap for 20 seconds minimum before we can service your hair.
Please arrive on time. If you arrive before your scheduled appointment, please remain in your car until we call you to come in for your appointment. Please come in alone with no guests. We are servicing with limited capacity so every visitor counts.
And remember, for everyone’s safety, if you’ve been exposed, if you don’t feel well (even if it may be allergy related), we encourage you to cancel and reschedule your appointment.
No one likes rules, but these are truly necessary so that all of our staff and clients can be safe as we reunite. Together we will adapt to the new normal and together we will turn out gorgeous hair and together we will laugh once again and create more amazing memories.
Thank you to our amazing clients. We have missed you so much and can’t wait to welcome you back into our home ❤️